
blogs cosmetic surgery 1

Cosmetic Surgery. Should I Get it Done?

This is a common question that as a plastic surgeon I get asked often during consultations. “What do you think doc, should I get so and so procedure done?” This does not have a simple “yes” and “no” answer. Every individual person is different. Some are just looking to validate what is in their minds, some looking for a genuine opinion because they are thoroughly confused because of the tug of war between what they want to do and what everyone around them is telling them or they are just feeling overwhelmed by the thought of making a decision! Whatever the reason, the answer as I said is never just, “yes” or “no”.


Liposuction FAQs - PART 1

Liposuction is what its name is “lipo” meaning fat and “suction” is where we physically suck it out. To understand, think that you have pieces of jelly in a glass, you put in a straw and suck it out. That is exactly what we do in a liposuction. The jelly is your fat. The straw is what we call a cannula which is a metal straw with an opening at its end and the suction power is using a suction machine. That is liposuction 101. Of course there a few more technicalities to it.

blogs cosmetic surgery

Factors Determining Cost Of Cosmetic Surgery

When one hears about cosmetic surgery, it is often assumed that it is a thing for either celebrities or the elite rich. It being a planned surgery and not being covered under any insurance, feels like sometimes it is too expensive. This is an article to give the readers a few insights into what goes into deciding the price of any cosmetic surgery and why compromising on the basis of price alone can sometimes be more expensive.