Laser Treatment

3d image of male female surgery

Best Laser Treatments in Mumbai

If you're seeking laser treatment in Mumbai, you've found the right place, consult Dr. Saumil Shah, an experienced Mumbai-based plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Laser Treatment. In these modern times, he stands as the perfect choice for all your cosmetic needs, bringing expertise and a touch of care to every procedure.

RF is a deeply penetrating light that is absorbed by water in the dermis (second layer of the skin) to cause both shrinking of loose tissue immediately, as well as long term collagen production that lifts and tightens loose skin over time.

Correctable conditions include early stages of saggy brows, eyelids, crow’s feet, nasolabial lines, jowls, and double chin. Perfect for patients in their late 30’s and 40’s to reverse early changes BEFORE surgery is needed in order to postpone or prevent the need.

Most patients get 4-6 sessions done every 20 days. Each session takes less than 45 minutes in an office setting. Serial sessions, depending on the areas and severity, are completed within three months. Thereafter maintenance is required once in 3-6 months.

Super skin rejuvenation program, uses combined treatments of RF skin tightening, BOTOX®, and synthetic fillers to sculpt a saggy or heavy face. No incision is used.

When and What Results Might Be Expected? How long does the results last?

Some immediate tightening followed by gradual improvement of skin laxity over three months is expected.

What is the recovery like? When can I return to work and activities?

There is no downtime. One may experience mild redness and minimal swelling that lasts for up to 20-30 minutes. Following each treatment, you can immediately resume all routine activities.

Imagine never having to shave, tweeze, or wax. Hello laser, goodbye razor!

LASER HAIR REDUCTION is the latest and most effective method for removal of unwanted body and facial hair. The technology is safe and FDA approved, designed for laser hair removal. We use the “Lightsheer Diode” laser system which comes equipped with a unique cooling hand-piece to minimise skin irritation and discomfort. We also use Long pulsed Nd:YAG laser for skin types V and VI (dark shades). Large body areas are treated with “Lightsheer Desire Laser” having large vacuum assisted hand piece. With the “Desire” system large body areas like arms, legs, back and trunk can be treated in few minutes and with minimum or no discomfort.

Frequently Questions Asked

How does hair reduction work?

Lasers have been used for over two decades for a variety of medical cosmetic procedures. We utilise state-of-the-art technology to customise your treatments depending on your skin type and hair density.The Lightsheer Diode laser and Long pulsed Nd:YAG laser emit laser light that is selectively absorbed by the dark pigment located in the hair follicle. The laser energy heats and destroys the hair follicle resulting in successful hair reduction without causing damage to the surrounding tissue.

Who can be treated?

The unique design and long wavelength of our lasers allow the laser to treat patients of all skin tones and types. All hair types with pigment can be treated. (grey or white hair can’t be treated). However, best results are obtained in light, untanned skin with dark hair..

How many treatments are needed?

Laser works best on actively growing hair follicles. Only 20 – 35 % hair follicles are in active phase of growth at any given time. Therefore, we recommend a series of eight to ten treatments about 4-8 weeks apart. Some people may notice significant improvement in as little as 3 treatments while some people may require more than 10 treatments.

What areas can be treated?

Any area of body with hair growth can be treated. Commonly treated areas include the face, chin, lips, eyebrows, under arms, arms, back, chest, breasts, abdomen, bikini area, legs, hands and feet. With our laser devices we treat both men and women.

What happens during a laser treatment?

The area to be treated is first shaved. You will be asked to wear protective eye glasses to protect your eyes. A cool gel is applied to the treatment area. The laser energy is then used to heat and destroy the hair follicle.Each pulse of laser feels like slight sting or pinch. No anaesthesia is usually required and most people tolerate it well.

What are the side effects?

Slight redness of the skin lasting for 3-4 hrs is the most common side effect. You can return to work or your daily activities immediately after treatment. Sun exposure is to be avoided for few days before and after each treatment to obtain optimal results. Less common side effects include blistering and pigmentation. These are temporary and will disappear in few days. Permanent scarring is rare.


Every patient has unique needs, so exact pricing can be determined during the consult. Prices for individual and package treatments are variable depending on the size of the area to be treated.

Facial melanosis is a group of heterogeneous entities, sharing a common clinical feature of altered pigmentation of the face and thus easily visible cosmetic disfigurement and significant psychosocial consequences.

Facial and neck pigmentations are common in middle-aged women, and are related to endogenous (hormones) and exogenous factors (such as use of cosmetics and perfumes, and exposure to sun radiation i.e. sun tanning).

Various causes of facial melanosis are:

Sun tanning, Melasma, Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), Drug-induced hyperpigmentation Lichen Planus Pigmentosus (LPP) and Erythema dyschromicum perstans

Riehl's melanosis, poikiloderma of Civatte, erythrose peribuccalepigmentaire of Brocq, erythromelanosis follicularis of the face and neck, lineafusca, and Cosmetic hyperpigmentations.

Melanosis tend to have a prolonged course and, in many cases, are refractory to treatment.

A range of treatment modalities are:

Removal of aggravating factors: like avoiding the sun and applying cosmetics and perfumes, Vigorous photo-protection like using appropriate sunscreens and Some form of depigmenting agents – such as:

Topical hydroquinone 2 to 4% alone or in combination with Tretinoin 0.05- 0.1% Topical Azelaic acid 15 to 20%

Kojic acid, alone or in combination with glycolic acid or hydroquinone, and topical retinoids, and various other cosmeceuticals.

Q-switched lasers and Pico lasers.

The above mentioned treatment modalities, when used alone or in combinations, are effective in improving melanosis but some of the conditions especially melasma can recur and may require continuation of topical skin lightening agents in conjunction with rigorous sun protection.

The nevus of Ota is a distinctive, congenital, benign, bluish grey pigmented lesion, which usually occurs on one side of face, affecting particularly the skin of eyelids, the cheeks, forehead, scalp, nose and ears.

It also involves sclera (white visible part of eye) and conjunctiva. It may appear at birth or at early childhood and slowly increases in size till puberty. Rarely does it appear on both sides of face. It was first described by Ota in 1939. The condition is uncommon in India. It is very rare in male patients.

The main problem is usually cosmetic but different complications may appear. Glaucoma (increase in eye pressure associated with headache) appears in approximately 10% of patients. The most serious but unusual complication is the development of malignant melanoma on pigmented areas.

Nevus of OTA can be effectively treated with Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Treatment is given once in 6-12 weeks and it may take anything between 8-12 treatment sessions to achieve 80%-95% reduction in skin pigment. Pigment in eyes (sclera) cannot be reduced by any means

Did you know that about 80% of all teens and young adults and about 5% of older adults suffer from acne?

Acne is caused by hormonal influence, glycogenic diet, stress factors, some drugs and application of cosmetics.

Acne could occur on face, shoulders, back and chest.

Acne not only causes physical suffering but it also affects the personality of an individual and may even lead to depression and sometimes withdrawal from social activities.

While many people recover from acne without any permanent effects, some people are left with disfiguring acne scars.

Acne can recur. It requires repeat treatment to control it. If acne remains untreated for long, it can lead to scarring on the face.

Treatment can help you to control the acne&to prevent blemishes and scars.

Of course, the best way to avoid scars from acne is to find an effective acne treatment that fights acne-causing bacteria and prevents acne from coming back.

Our centre can help you to fight acne and prevent acne scar by prescribing topical creams and oral medicines, chemical peels, microdermabrasion and lasers.

Chemical peels help to control comedones that is black heads and white heads and post acne pigmentation while Lasers especially long pulsed ND:YAG (1320) and Er:Glass (1550) helps to reduce size of oil producing glands (sebaceous glands), and hence reduce oiliness of skin. Lasers also help to kill acne producing bacteria and help to control acne.

Early and effective control of acne can prevent acne scar formation.Acne scar treatment comes in many different forms, ranging from creams to laser treatments. Each of these treatments is designed to resurface the skin to eliminate disfiguring scars left by acne.

You should know that acne scar treatment creams can only help with fresh and mild scarring. Any severe acne scars do not change with creams.

Laser treatments can help eliminate/reduce scars left behind by acne, even severe scars. Use of

fractional CO2 lasers

fractional RF needles or

combination of fractional CO2 with fractional RF needles

yields satisfactory results (50% to 70% reduction in visibility of scars.)

Results of acne scar treatment with lasers can further be improved by combining it with PRP and nanofat treatment.

Surgical treatment like subcision, punch elevation, CROSS technique and/or dermal tissue fillers or autologous fat can help achieve satisfactory, better and long lasting results.

Facial scars are of various types. They can be caused by accidents, injuries, acne, burns, or even surgery. After a wound is healed, it will leave a scar. Environmental factors also contribute to scars and even hinder their process of healing. Unlike other body parts, we cannot always cover our face which is constantly exposed to the environment. Scars are telltale signs left behind by previous injury or disease. Some wear it as a badge of honour but scars in general and facial scars in particular can pose a lot of problems for its bearer. These scars may fade over time but will never disappear and sometimes may become wider, darker, raised or even hypertrophic. In all such cases their treatment is possible

Following are the treatment modalities available for scar treatments:

Scar revision surgery

Fraction CO2 laser

RF needle

Subcision and fat or fillers

Micro fat and Nano fat injections

PRP injections

Nd YAG laser for pigmentation

Silicone gel sheets and silicone gel ointments

Pressure garments

faq-iconAll of these in different combinations are needed from time to time. We have all these treatment modalities available at our centre under the expert guidance of our plastic surgeon.

Will the scar ever disappear completely?

No treatment in the world can completely make a scar disappear. What can be done is though make them fine and such that they will not be obviously visible and hideous affecting your social interactions.

What procedure will I require?

Small scars or scars that are superficial may be treated with nonsurgical means but the scars which are deep will need surgery to make them smaller and finer using plastic surgery principles following which the nonsurgical methods may be used to decrease the scars further.

How long will the recovery take?

This is a question that can only be answered by examining your scar. Usually if a surgery is required it is done under local anaesthesia where you can go home right after. The stitches would come off on the 3rd to the 5th day depending on your scar and skin quality.

The non surgical methods would require multiple sittings. Treatments such as CO2 lasers and mnRF help deposit collagen which forms your scar and helps improve the quality including the texture and pliability of hard hypertrophic scars.

Can it be done if I have had the scar since childhood or if it is within the last 1 month?

Scars mature over a time period. Since we use all modalities of treatment we can treat the scars at different points of their life cycle when the patient presents to us. The earlier you present, the better are the chances of the scar improving. Any type of scar at any stage can be improved by appropriate treatments. It may take some time but persistence is the key.

What is the cost of scar treatment?

The cost again varies as no scar would be the same and would require different modalities of treatment over time.

What are Keloids and hypertrophic scars? Can they be treated?

So when a scar starts becoming raised above the skin they may be keloids or hypertrophic scars. The difference between the two is that hypertrophic scars by definition would settle down whereas the keloid does not and may grow even more. The hypertrophic scars are usually associated with deeper trauma and more damage such as burns where the scar may thicken if preventive measures and treatments are not done in the early phase and cause a variety of problems such as causing a sensation of tightness and if across a joint causing problems in motion. These can be treated with appropriate measure.

faq-iconKeloids on the other hand don’t have a permanent or a long term solution. A variety of treatments including surgical debulking, CO2 lasers, triamcinolone injections and silicone gel and patches and pressure garments will help but will require long term treatment to control it.

Laser Hair Reduction Before and After Photo Gallery
