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Best Dermatologists in Mumbai

If you're seeking dermatologic surgeon in Mumbai, you've found the right place, consult Dr. Saumil Shah, an experienced Mumbai-based plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon specializing in dermatologic surgery. In these modern times, he stands as the perfect choice for all your cosmetic needs, bringing expertise and a touch of care to every procedure.

Vitiligo is a condition in which white patches develop on the skin. Vitiligo can cause cosmetic, psychological and social problems. The hair that grows on areas affected by vitiligo sometimes turns white. It maybe localised to one part of the body or generalised. The main goal of treating vitiligo is to improve appearance. Therapy for vitiligo needs to be continued for 6 to 18 months. Each patient responds differently to therapy, and a particular treatment may not work for everyone. Current treatment options for vitiligo include medical and surgical. Steroid and tecrolimus creams may be helpful. PUVA photochemotherapy is the very effective treatment. However, it is time-consuming, and care must be taken to avoid side-effects. NBUVB (Narrow Band Ultra Violet B ) is more specific kind of ultraviolet treatment. NBUVB is more effective and safer as compared to PUVA therapy. Unlike PUVA, it can be given safely to children.

Eximer laser treatment: Ten times more effective than PUVA/NBUVB treatment in localized patches of vitiligo. Can be given safely to children.

Surgical: Ideal for those having localised Vitiligo

Treatments include: Punch graft, Epidermal grafts, Split thickness grafts, Non Cultured melanocyte transplantation

We employ full extraction techniques to alleviate clogged pores and treat acne-prone skin, anti-aging protocols to reverse skin damage, and all the latest technologies for overall improvement of skin's health and appearance. The different facials we offer depend upon your skin type and your comfort level. Various procedures:Microdermabrasion with whitening pack, Chemical peeling with microdermabrasion and whitening pac, Laser toning with electroporation and whitening pack, Aqua treatment for dry skin&Party Facials.

Uses a chemical solution, usually an acid, to 'peel' away the top layers of the epidermis in order to improve conditions such as acne, irregular pigmentation or wrinkles. These are the following peels we offer at our clinic

  • Sali Peel - This gentle peel formulated for the Indian skin provides anti-inflammatory, anti-acne, and anti-bacterial action, making it an excellent choice for acne and rosacea
  • 20%-70% Glycolic Peels along with medical treatment of acne, acne scarring, and pigmentation problems.
  • TCA peels for acne marks, acne pigmentation and thick skin with rough texture. This also smoothens fine wrinkles on aging face.
  • Lactic peels, Arginine peels, Retic peels and also different combination peels
  • Laser Peels – Fractional lasers when used in moving mode offer peeling of skin and good glow effect. It also tightens the superficial layers of skin and helps to reduce fine wrinkles on skin.

Moles are commonly seen on the face but can appear anywhere on the body. They can be present at birth or can begin to appear at any age. Sometimes the moles may turn malignant i.e. cancerous and this may lead to a dangerous health risk. Moles at unwanted locations should be removed as early possible i.e. while they are small. Small moles can be removed without leaving any marks or scars.Moles can be removed either surgically or with lasers.

Benefits of Mole Removal include:

Removing protruding moles that get in the way of shaving.

Removing irritating moles rubbing against jewellery.

smoother, clearer skin.

If a mole is suspected to be precancerous i.e. when Moles are growing in size or when they are itchy, they should be completely removed.

MICRODERMABRASION is a procedure that uses micro crystals to abrade the skin surface. It is a painless rejuvenation procedure with improvement in skin appearance, texture, and tone. This procedure imparts glow to the skin. Immediate results are seen, as this approach removes dead and flaking skin cells and stimulates production of fresh young skin cells and collagen. For best results initially 4-6 treatments are recommended 2-3 weeks apart followed by maintenance treatments every 2-3 months.

Who should consider Microdermabrasion?

Microdermabrasion is right for all skin types and for anyone interested in minimising the appearance of:

  • Scars
  • Fine lines
  • Pigmentation problems
  • Uneven skin tones
  • Dull, lifeless and sun-damaged skin

Facial and neck pigmentations are common in middle-aged women, and are related to hormonal and exogenous factors (cosmetics, perfumes, and sun-tanning). Various causes of hyperpigmentation are Sun tanning, Melasma, Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), Drug-induced hyperpigmentation, Lichen Planus Pigmentosus (LPP), The nevus of Ota and many other skin conditions.

The range of treatment modalities are:

Photo-protection using sunscreens and Depigmenting agents:

Hydroquinone alone or in combination with Tretinoin, Azelaic acid, Kojic acid, alone or in combination with glycolic acid and topical retinoids, Various other cosmeceuticals.

Hydroquinone alone or in combination with Tretinoin, Azelaic acid, Kojic acid, alone or in combination with glycolic acid and topical retinoids, Various other cosmeceuticals.

The above mentioned treatment modalities, when used alone or in combinations, are effective in improving pigmentation but some of the conditions especially melasma can recur and may require continuation of topical skin lightening agents in conjunction with rigorous sun protection.

About 80% of all teens and young adults and about 5% of adults suffer from acne.While many people recover from acne without any permanent effects, some people are left with disfiguring acne scars.

Of course, the best way to avoid scars from acne is to find an effective acne treatment that fights acne-causing bacteria and prevents acne from coming back.

Acne scar treatment comes in many different forms. Each of these treatments is designed to resurface the skin to eliminate disfiguring scars left by acne.

Acne scar treatment comes in many different forms. Each of these treatments is designed to resurface the skin to eliminate disfiguring scars left by acne.

Results with lasers can further be improved by combining it with PRP and nanofat treatment.Surgical treatment like subcision, punch elevation, CROSS technique and/or dermal tissue fillers or autologous fat can help achieve satisfactory, better and long lasting results.

Scars can be caused by accidents, injuries, acne, burns, or even surgery. Unlike other body parts, we cannot always cover our face which is constantly exposed to the environment. Scars are telltale signs left behind by previous injury or disease. Some wear it as a badge of honour but scars, especially facial scars pose problems. These scars may fade over time but will never disappear. In all such cases, treatment is possible

Following are the treatment modalities available for scar treatments:

Will the scar ever disappear completely?

No treatment in the world can completely make a scar disappear. They can be made fine and such that they will not be obviously visible and hideous affecting your social interactions.

What procedure will I require?

Small or superficial scars may be treated with nonsurgical means but the deep scars will need surgery to make them smaller and finer using plastic surgery principles.The nonsurgical methods may be used to improve the scars further.

How long will the recovery take?

Can it be done if I have had the scar since childhood/if it is recent?

Scars mature over time. Since we use all modalities of treatment we can treat the scars at different points of their cycle. The earlier you present, the better are the chances of the scar improving. Any type of scar at any stage can be improved by appropriate treatments.

What is the cost of scar treatment?

The cost varies as no scar would be the same and would require different treatments.

What are Keloids and hypertrophic scars? Can they be treated?

When a scar starts becoming raised above the skin they may be keloids or hypertrophic scars. Hypertrophic scars would settle down whereas keloids don’t. The hypertrophic scars are usually associated with deeper trauma and more damage such as burns where the scar may thicken if preventive measures and treatments are not done in the early phase and cause a variety of problems such as a sensation of tightness and if across a joint causing problems in movements. These can be treated with appropriate measure. Keloids on the other hand don’t have a permanent solution. A variety of treatments including surgical debulking, CO2 lasers, triamcinolone injections and silicone gel and patches and pressure garments will help but will require long term treatment to control it.

Contact Dr. Saumil Shah today for the best dermatologic surgery in Mumbai.
