Buttock Augmentation


Butt Implants & Buttock Augmentation In Mumbai

Buttocks or the gluteal region, is the most common area of the body that patients want treatments for. The buttocks are not necessarily made bigger, but given a more desirable shape. The shape of the buttocks also includes the shape of what are called the “hip dips”. These are the areas of the outer regions of the buttocks and thighs which when nice and rounded, give a woman the much desired curves. The shape of the buttock and the overall shape of the body is different and more athletic in males. These procedures can be done by fat grafting, where fat removed by liposuction from other parts of the body is put back into the buttocks, liposuction from some areas with excess fat to reshape these areas or using silicone buttock implants. Some patients require a combination of all of these methods.

If you're seeking butt implants and buttock augmentation surgeon in Mumbai, you've found the right place, consult Dr. Saumil Shah, an experienced Mumbai-based plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon specializing in butt implants and buttock augmentation surgery. In these modern times, he stands as the perfect choice for all your cosmetic needs, bringing expertise and a touch of care to every procedure.

Frequently Questions Asked

  Who are the right candidates for buttock augmentation?

Any woman who feels that she desires a curvaceous body can undergo this surgery. Patients of massive weight loss are also prime candidates for this procedure. Males looking for a more defined and an athletic looking buttock can also check out this surgery.

  Is this the same as the Brazilian Butt Lift(BBL)?

BBL is a surgery where fat was put into the muscles in the buttock. There have been reports of even deaths with this surgery. Hence, based on international guidelines we do not perform this surgery. What we do is grafting fat into the subcutaneous tissue by a procedure known as EVL or Expansion Vibration Liposculpting⁴pp. This is a safe method with equally gratifying results.

Is it that I will have a big butt after this surgery?

Not necessarily. It depends on what you want. If you only want a change in shape or filling of certain areas, the procedure can be customised accordingly.

Contact Dr. Saumil Shah today for the best butt implants and buttock augmentation surgery in Mumbai.

Buttock Augmentation Before and After Photo Gallery

We Provide Very Transparent Pricing to Our Patients

Buttock augmentation (with fat) - 700 to 800

Buttock augmentation (with fat) - 58000 to 670000