Eyebrow Lift


Eye Brow / Brow Lift Surgery In Mumbai

Among the most feminine facial features are beautiful eyebrows. When properly shaped and positioned, eyebrows can enhance and highlight the eyes, giving the entire face a more youthful, feminine and attractive appearance. A Forehead Lift or a Brow Lift may be the best solution if your eyebrows look hooded or aged. You'll be amazed at how much difference this simple procedure can make

What is an Eyebrow Lift / Brow Lift

Also known as brow lift, this aesthetic procedure is done to give sagging eyebrows a lifted, more younger and a more attractive appearance. The process also improves the look of the area around the eyes. Browlift can be done as a stand-alone procedure or can be combined with an eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) or a facelift. With age, the brows droop and the sagginess of the skin makes one look tired, sad, old, unattractive or angry. If you have sagging brows, they can contribute to making your eyes look tired too. These sagging brows may also cause your forehead muscles to work harder leading to forehead lines or wrinkles.

Many techniques are used by a plastic surgeon for lifting the brow. It may be done surgically or using non-surgical techniques such as a threadlift, Botox and Fillers. Surgically it maybe performed in a variety of ways which may be either endoscopic or open surgery.

If you're seeking eyebrow lift surgeon in Mumbai, you've found the right place, consult Dr. Saumil Shah, an experienced Mumbai-based plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon specializing in eyebrow lift surgery. In these modern times, he stands as the perfect choice for all your cosmetic needs, bringing expertise and a touch of care to every procedure.

Who Is Eligible for a Brow Lift?

Candidates for a brow lift typically:

Are in good physical health.

Are non-smokers.

Have realistic expectations about the surgery's outcome.

Dr. Saumil Shah will review your complete medical history and discuss it to determine your candidacy for a brow lift.

Cosmetic Procedures that can be Combined with a Brow Lift:


Mini facelift

Neck lift

Skin resurfacing

Upper or lower eyelid surgery

Types of Brow Lift Procedures:

There are three primary types of brow lift procedures:

Classic Lift (Open Brow Lift or Coronal Lift): Involves a continuous incision from ear to ear, addressing a high forehead.

Endoscopic Lift: Utilizes shorter incisions and scope for a less invasive approach with minimal scarring.

The Limited Incision Technique: It is a hybrid of classic and endoscopic lifts involving smaller incisions to reduce wrinkles at the corners of the eyes.

Nonsurgical Brow Lift:

A nonsurgical brow lift involves Botox or similar injections to smooth forehead wrinkles. While offering benefits similar to a surgical brow lift, the effects are temporary, requiring repeat treatments several times a year.

Procedure Details:

Before a brow lift procedure, the doctor will:

Evaluate your forehead region and facial expressions.

Discuss various brow lift options tailored to your goals.

Examine your overall health.

Take photographs of your brows and forehead.

Review potential outcomes, complications, and risks.

Questions to Ask Before a Brow Lift:

During your consultation, consider asking questions such as:

How can I achieve the best results?

What is the procedure's approach?

How long is the recovery period?

What are the associated risks?

What can I do if I'm dissatisfied with the outcome?

Where will the scars be located?

Preparing for a Brow Lift:

Preoperative instructions may include:

Ceasing smoking at least six weeks before surgery.

Limiting alcohol consumption.

Avoiding specific medications like aspirin.

Growing out hair to cover potential scars.

Arranging transportation after the procedure.

Having someone available for post-surgery care during the initial night and day.

Brow Lift as an Inpatient or Outpatient Procedure:

A brow lift is typically an outpatient procedure, and overnight hospital stays are generally unnecessary.

During a Brow Lift Procedure:

Anesthesia is administered to ensure a pain-free experience. The surgeon makes incisions at the hairline, repositions tissue, and removes segments causing wrinkles or frown lines. Incisions are closed with stitches or staples, and the surgical site is protected with bandages. While a brow lift is not painful during the procedure due to anesthesia, postoperative effects may include bruising, tightness, and swelling, with tenderness or soreness at the surgical site during healing.

After a Brow Lift Procedure:

Post-surgery, you'll remain in a recovery area until the effects of anesthesia wear off or for a brief observation period. Transportation is required, as operating a vehicle immediately after the procedure is unsafe.

Instructions for self-care may include managing the surgical site, using prescribed or over-the-counter pain relievers, reducing swelling, and resting.

Your surgeon will provide guidance on recognizing complications and schedule follow-up appointments.

Risks and Benefits:

Advantages of a brow lift encompass enhanced forehead and facial appearance, raised eyebrows for a youthful look, wrinkle and excess skin reduction, and alleviation of a tired or angry appearance.

Possible complications include scarring, infection, limited eyebrow movement, scalp itchiness, anesthesia reactions, pain, hair follicle loss, asymmetry, and numbness. Brow lift results in scars, typically concealed at the hairline or within the hair. Discuss noninvasive alternatives with your doctor if scar concerns arise.

Recovery and Outlook:

Recovery varies based on the brow lift type. Incisions are closed with stitches or staples that dissolve or require removal after one or two weeks. Bruising and swelling are common, and head elevation aids in reducing swelling for at least two days post-surgery. Bandages are removed as per your doctor's instructions, and numbness or tingling may occur initially but diminishes over time.

Recovery Time:

Most individuals can resume work or school within 10 to 14 days after a brow lift. Avoiding strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and rigorous exercise for a few weeks is recommended.

Results of a Brow Lift:

Complete healing may take up to six months, during which follow-up appointments ensure successful recovery. While a brow lift's results are permanent, the longevity can be influenced by aging. Wrinkles may reappear over time, albeit less severely. Ensuring longevity involves wearing sunscreen to protect against UV rays and preserving skin health.

When to Seek Medical Attention:

Contact the doctor promptly if you experience:

Fever exceeding 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.77 degrees Celsius).

Persistent swelling.

Surgical site bleeding.

Severe pain.

Visual changes.

A brow lift is a transformative cosmetic procedure offering lasting results. Understanding the procedure, asking pertinent questions, and adhering to pre and postoperative instructions contribute to a successful outcome. Regular follow-ups and prompt attention to any concerns ensure a positive recovery experience.

Frequently Questions Asked

How long does a surgery take?

Around one to one and half hours.

Will it leave any scars?

Depending on the type of procedure, you may or may not have a visible scar.

How long does a brow lift's results last?

With age, the brow will start drooping again. It may last for 10 months to a year using non-surgical methods. With surgical methods, the results will last longer.

What other procedures can be done with brow lift?

Periorbital rejuvenation (reversing signs of ageing around the eyes), blepharoplasty (aesthetic improvements of eyelids), facelift, fat grafting for the face, rhinoplasty, facial rejuvenation or any other facial surgery.

Contact Dr. Saumil Shah today for the best eyebrow lift surgery in Mumbai.

We Provide Very Transparent Pricing to Our Patients

Upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty) - 500 to 1800

Upper eyelid surgery (upper blepharoplasty) - 40000 to 150000

Lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty) - 750 to 2000

Lower eyelid surgery (lower blepharoplasty) - 62000 to 170000

Eye Brow / Brow Lift Surgery Before and After Photo Gallery