Lip Augmentation

Lip Augmentation

Lip Augmentataion or Lip Enhancement Procedure In Mumbai

Lips are one of the most prominent and most noticed features of our face. Some are genetically blessed with full sensuous lips. Sometimes, the lips and the area around the mouth diminishes in its beauty with ageing. To acquire beautiful, moisturised, full lips is everyone’s goal. This can be achieved through a variety of procedures.

Hyaluronic acid fillers are the commonest products used. Autologous fat may also be used. Also, a different sort of filler variety, known as skin boosters are available which don’t fill the lips but keep them hydrated. These are used along with the fillers that are used to volumise the lips.

If you're seeking Lip Augmentation surgeon in Mumbai, you've found the right place, consult Dr. Saumil Shah, an experienced Mumbai-based plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon specializing in Lip Augmentation surgery. In these modern times, he stands as the perfect choice for all your cosmetic needs, bringing expertise and a touch of care to every procedure.

Frequently Questions Asked

I had very nice lips when I was young. But with age my lips have become thinner and I have developed wrinkles around my mouth. These changes make me look old and give me an appearance where people have called me “strict” or “grumpy”. Can these changes be reversed?

Yes. Absolutely. The advantage with hyaluronic acid fillers is that if you don’t like what you see they can immediately be dissolved and you would go back to what you had. The pursed lip appearance is a classic sign of ageing and an angry look. When corrected, the patient’s lips, face and personality are improved.

Can large lips be reduced in size?

Yes. Lips that are large or having an abnormal pout can be corrected by a minor surgery. The scars of the surgeries are hidden and hardly visible.

What other changes of lip ageing can be corrected by plastic surgery?

With age, there is elongation of the upper lip between the nose and the mouth. This can be corrected by a simple surgery. This would make the face look not just young but less “strict” and “grumpy”.

The angles of my mouth face downwards. Can something be done?

Most definitely. These changes are a sign of ageing that makes the face seem angry or sad. They are associated with development of what are known as marionette lines. Non-surgical methods such as botulinum toxin, fillers and lasers maybe used to reverse these changes.

Contact Dr. Saumil Shah today for the best Lip Augmentation surgery in Mumbai.