Double Chin Treatment

Double Chin Treatment

Double Chin Correction Surgery In Mumbai

Double chin is a generic term used to describe a bulge in the area below the chin.

It maybe due to fat, old age causing loose skin and muscle bands or even a short weak chin. Therefore, the treatment involves diagnosing the problem. Once that is done the treatment can be decided.

If you're seeking Genioplasty - Double Chin Correction surgeon in Mumbai, you've found the right place, consult Dr. Saumil Shah, an experienced Mumbai-based plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgeon specializing in genioplasty (double chin correction) surgery. In these modern times, he stands as the perfect choice for all your cosmetic needs, bringing expertise and a touch of care to every procedure.

Frequently Questions Asked

What is the most common cause of double chin and what is the treatment for it?

In young patients, excessive fat is the most common cause. This is usually treated by a procedure called liposuction. This surgery is performed under local anaesthesia where the patient is completely awake. However, in some cases when the fat is deep, the patient can decrease the same with a healthy diet and exercise or we can remove it using a small 3-4 cm incision. In case the fat is very minimal with good skin tone and is superficial, we can use an enzyme injection which dissolves fat. It is marketed as Kybella in the US, we have a similar product in India.

What can be done for loose skin and muscle?

In case of loose skin and muscle bands, necklift surgery or Botox and threadlift may need to be combined with liposuction.

What is done if I have a weak and a short chin?

You will require a chin augmentation procedure.

Contact Dr. Saumil Shah today for the best double chin correction (genioplasty) surgery in Mumbai.

We Provide Very Transparent Pricing to Our Patients

Chin implants - 1200 to 1800

Chin implants - 100000 to 150000